Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame  >  The wisdom of Gordon Waugh

Gordon Waugh, Whenuapai
September 26 2006

Primary teachers - common sense
Letter sent to NZ Herald

I applaud and welcome the common sense shown by the Primary Teachers Union in reversing its earlier policy of not comforting or touching children in their care.

The earlier policy stemmed from public hysteria driven by deliberate misinformation about sexual abuse and by the debacle of the Peter Ellis convictions. It is simply not true that "a paedophile lurks behind every bush", or that "one in four girls will be sexually abused".

Those, and similar exaggerations, have caused untold grief in our society and resulted in large numbers of false allegations. An outcome is a desperate shortage of men in early childhood and primary teaching roles. Children need both men and women to guide and teach them.

The case against Ellis was just as silly as the earlier no-touch policy, yet unlike our teachers, politicians and the judiciary seem incapable of correcting their mistakes. In the meantime, ACC continues to pay out millions of taxpayer dollars to thousands of claimants and hundreds of counsellors, in the absence of credible evidence of sexual abuse.