Child sex abuse hysteria and the Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame  >  The wisdom of Gordon Waugh

Gordon Waugh, Whenuapai
April 16 2007

Police deserve pat on back
Letter sent to NZ Herald

Police deserve a hearty pat on the back for their handling of the "rapist in a suit" case. They diligently and impartially examined the evidence both for and against the allegation, studied the complainant, employed healthy scepticism, and correctly concluded the allegation was false.

Predictably, this case brought forth the usual clan of "expert" deniers to parade excuses and brandish their sophistry, misinformation and shop-worn mantras.

Dr Kim McGregor again claimed, without testable evidence, that "The number of rapes was hugely under-reported - only about 10 per cent of victims laid official complaints."

Dr Jan Jordan prattled "If it really is a false complaint, then it just helps to fuel the myth that most women who make complaints of rape to the police are lying." What nonsense!

Dr Neville Robertson boldly declared "such [false] complaints were extremely rare." Clearly, he is not of this Earth.

Even a cursory review of recent complaints readily shows many to be false. Until the Evidence Act reverts to the time-honoured requirement of providing testable corroborative evidence, false complaints will continue unabated. Keep up the good work, Police.