Child Sex Abuse Hysteria & The Ellis case

Focus on People - Hall of Fame

Jane Rawls - Index

The Dominion
May 31 2004

Sex abuse questioning
Letter to the Editor
by Wendy M Burgering, (
Child Abuse Interview Training Co-ordinator) and Mark Copeland (Legal Adviser, Police National Headquarters)    (Abridged)

We wish to comment on Alan Samson's article on the research completed by Jane Rawls.

Dr Rawls's findings do raise concerns for police investigators and specialist interviewers as to the reliability of children's disclosures of sexual abuse. They highlight the need for considerable care to be taken when interviewing children.

As Dr Rawls correctly points out, the use of open-ended questions is the best technique. Closed and multichoice questions can be, and are, used if required. The use of leading questions is not encouraged or taught.

Training for all specialist interviewers employed by the New Zealand Children and Young Persons Service and the police is carried out at the Royal New Zealand Police College. The training is intensive and focuses on the need for interviewers to be aware of their role and the importance of using the correct (open-ended) questioning techniques.

Dr Rawls expresses concern as to the use of the body diagram and the level of influence the diagrams may have on making children disclose when nothing has happened. This raises the unanswered question of whether all the "disclosures" of sexual abuse were made by the children only when the diagrams were used.

Our concern about the research is the number of interviews that were carried out with the children. Dr Rawls stated she did four interviews with each child. For specialist interviewing this is well above the standard practice of one interview. Specialist interviewers are very aware of the problems of the reliability of the disclosure through over-interviewing.

Police have written to Dr Rawls asking for further information on her findings and suggestions to improve the techniques used in the specialist interviewing of children.