Child Sex Abuse Hysteria & The Ellis case

Peter Ellis Home Page

Focus on People - Index

This page last updated February 6 2007

Hall of Shame
those who, perhaps unwittingly, have contributed to the child sexual abuse witchhunt

Wendy Ball,
"Joy Bander, "

Howard Broad

Linda Clark, "Morning Report" presenter who uncritically gave "Nathan" air time.

Cathy Crawford,
Genevieve Crossen, - Social Worker
Bruce Curtis - Auckland University

Lianne Dalziel, - politician with personal connection with two complainants

Emma Davies,
Graham Davies,
Sally Denley, - Secretary ERA
Colin Eade,
Thomas Eichelbaum,
Dianne Espie
John Ell,
Rev John Elvidge
Jocelyn Frances,
Laurie Gabites,
Phil Goff,
John Gray,
Bob Hardie,
Pamela Hudson,
Shirley Julich - Auckland lecturer
Pamela Klein
Chris Lange, - Crown Prosecutor
Ken Legat, - Detective
Martin Maguire,
Jeffrey Masson,
Kim McGregor - Auckland University

Linda Morgan,;  aka Morgan Libeau,

Brian Pearce,
John Read - Auckland University
Mike Richardson,

Louise Sas - "expert" advisor to Eichelbaum

Sue Sidey,
Val Sim,
Rosemary Smart,
Brent Stanaway
Anne-Marie Stapp,
Roland Summit,
Prue Vincent - Wellington Psychologist
Justice Williamson,
Karen Zelas, - Psychiatrist

Constance Dalenberg, (USA) -
Astrid Heger, (USA)
Kee MacFarlane,  (USA)
Moira Woods (Ireland)


Hall of Fame
those who deserve recognition for their contribution to justice issues associated with the witchhunt.

Peter Ellis, Gaye Davidson, Janice Buckingham, Marie Keys and Debbie Gillespie, who all reluctantly became the victims of the Crèche witchhunt.


The100 prominent New Zealanders who signed the petition requesting a Commission of Inquiry


Judith Ablett-Kerr - Lawyer acting for Peter Ellis

Don Brash - MP and one of main petitioners for a Commission of Inquiry (2003)

Barry Colman - Publisher who made the Toddler Testimonies publicly available (2003), first as an advertisement, and then more fully on this site

Lesley Ellis - for her support for her son, Peter.

Maryanne Garry - Wellington academic for her research in the field of children's memories.

Felicity Goodyear-Smith - A founding member of COSA, and author of "The Civic Crèche case" (1993) highlighting concerns about the case at the time Ellis was first convicted

Michael Hill - Academic and author of "Satan's excellent adventure in the Antipodes" (1998)

Lynley Hood - The author of "A City Possessed (2001), which comprehensively articulates all of the issues concerning the Crèche case, in a readable form.

Greg King - Lawyer who has acted for Peter Ellis

David McLoughlin - Journalist and author of "Second Thoughts on the Christchurch Civic Crèche case (1996)

Jane Rawls - Psychologist who carried out research on the accuracy of children's memories

Katherine Rich - MP and one of main petitioners for a Commission of Inquiry (2003)

Alan Samson - Journalist who covered the Ellis case for the Dominion and Dominion Post

Sir Thomas Thorp - Prepared report for Minister Goff that was hidden from the public until exposed by Wellington journalist.

Gordon Waugh - A founding member of COSA, who has written extensively on issues associated with false allegations of abuse