Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
April 20 1998

Teacher's trial for indecency begins today
by Jon

The trial of a former primary school teacher accused of indecently assaulting seven pupils starts today in Hamilton District Court.

John Timothy Edgar, 38, was arrested last November and charged while he was a teacher at at Hamilton primary school.

Edgar resigned soon after the allegations were made. One of the charges dates back to 1991 with the alleged victims all aged under 12 years.

The trial, before Judge Lynton Laing, is set down for six days. The jury was to be selected this morning. David Wilson, QC, who is acting for the Crown, was to then give his opening address.

Mr Wilson said he planned to call 19 witnesses, including alleged victims and their parents. He said the trial would go into a second week. Closed circuit television will be used when the seven boys and another Crown witness, who are all under 17 years, give evidence.

They cannot be identified and the names of their parents will also be suppressed.

Edgar's counsel, Roger Laybourn, who is assisted by Mark Hammond, said he planned to call about as many witnesses as the Crown but the final number would depend on how the trial went.