Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
April 21 1998

Boys allege ex-teacher indecently touched them

Two more boys today told a jury how a former Hamilton teacher allegedly indecently assaulted them by touching their genitals.

The boys, both 10, gave their evidence via closed circuit television as John Timothy Edgar's Hamilton District Court trial moved into its second day.

One boy said Edgar caught him alone while changing after swimming, while the other said Edgar would touch him while he was in a classroom with other students and a student teacher. Edgar handed several notes to his counsel Roger Laybourn as Crown prosecutor David Wilson, QC, took the boys through their testimonies.

Edgar is accused of seven counts of indecent assault and one of committing an indecent act while a teacher at Hamilton's Hukanui Primary School.

The trial, before Judge Lynton Laing, is expected to finish by the middle of next week. Three other boys are expected to give evidence during the trial.

The first boy to testify today said he was slower than the rest of his class to get changed after swimming late in 1996 and was alone in the changing room.

He said Edgar came into the room, told him to hurry up and pushed his penis into his underpants. Edgar then pulled the boy's underpants and shorts up.

He said he did not tell anyone what happened because he felt bad about it.

His mother told the court she noticed her son started to have more toilet "accidents" around the time of the alleged offence and started to wet the bed.

The other boy to give evidence today said he used to go to Edgar's class to deliver messages. It was alleged Edgar would rub the boy's penis from outside his clothes while there was a classroom full of children and a student teacher. The boy said this happened about five times but did not tell anyone until after the last time late last year.

Under cross examination, he told Mr Laybourn he did not make the story up after talking with his friends.

Yesterday a woman told the jury she apologised to Edgar after complaining about an alleged incident involving her son because she was made to feel her allegations were wrong. Her son had told her Edgar had looked at her son's penis while he changed.

She told the court she felt bad about complaining and apologised, even though she felt she had been right.

Nothing came of her complaint.


CAPTION: COURT SUPPORTERS: friends of former teacher John Timothy Edgar arrive at Hamilton District Court yesterday.