Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
April 22, 1998

Teacher offered to take lie test

Former Hamilton primary school teacher John Timothy Edgar offered to take a lie-detector test when he was accused of indecent assault.

He made the offer to Detective Constable Neil Burgess just before he was interviewed at Hukanui Primary School on November 10 last year -- the day a boy alleged Edgar had touched his penis.

Edgar, 38, is on trial in Hamilton District Court accused of seven counts of indecent assault and one of committing an indecent act.

Seven alleged victims have now given evidence.

Crown prosecutor David Wilson, QC, finished presenting the Crown's case late this morning.

Edgar took the stand for the first time in the trial at noon.

As his counsel Roger Laybourn took him through each charge, Edgar denied the allegation.

He was asked to speak up by both counsel and the judge, and also to speak more slowly.

The information about Edgar's offer to take a lie detector test was gleaned by Mr Laybourn, during cross-examination of Mr Burgess.

The police officer said Edgar made the offer soon after they were introduced and as they walked into the room where Edgar was then interviewed about the allegation.

Mr Burgess said he did not record the offer in his notebook because the interview had not started.

He said police did not use lie-detector tests and they were inadmissable as evidence in court.

Edgar had consistently denied the allegation and others that police inquiries at the school later unearthed, Mr Burgess said.

An 11-year-old boy today told the court Edgar had given him 10 lollies on November 10 to try on a pair of togs. The boy claimed he was indecently assaulted by Edgar, and told a friend, who went with him to tell the deputy principal.

A 10-year-old witness yesterday said court Edgar once picked him up while he was in the playground, carried him into the school's lunchroom and touched his genitals. The boy said his friend tried to get Edgar to let go. The boy said he felt uncomfortable and "icky".


CAPTION: ACCUSED TEACHER: John Edgar leaves court yesterday. The court heard he offered to take a lie detector test.