Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
April 23 1998

Jury hearing indecency case to visit city school
by Gordon Jon Thompson

Former teacher John Timothy Edgar, accused of indecently assaulting boys, today asked the jury hearing his case to go to the school where the offences allegedly happened.

Judge Lynton Laing agreed, saying it was likely to help if jurors saw parts of Hukanui Primary School that had come up in evidence.

Two taxi vans were to take the nine women and three men jurors to the school this afternoon.

The trial coincides with school holidays.

Edgar was also allowed to return to the school.

He denies seven counts of indecent assault and one of committing an indecent act on seven boys at the school.

A map of Hukanui school had been used by Crown prosecutor David Wilson, QC, at the trial's start.

During cross-examination today, Edgar suggested the jury go to the school to see how it was laid out.

But the judge warned strict rules would apply.

"Anybody who talks to the jury is likely to be incarcerated immediately for contempt of court," the judge said.

Judge Laing also today asked Edgar several questions.

The judge adjourned the trial for 15 minutes so defence counsel Roger Laybourn could advise Edgar that those questions were to make sure his testimony was clear.

Mr Wilson asked Edgar why three boys would have made similar allegations that Edgar said were untrue.

Edgar replied: "Well I think these sorts of stories can have similarities."

He also said he would pat boys on the shoulder who had just delivered messages to his class, but had never touched their genitals.

Other boys have alleged Edgar touched their genitals in front of other students.

The court had heard testimony from the seven boys, via closed-circuit television, that Edgar had touched their genitals.