Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
April 24 1998

Teacher: boys made up claims together
by Gordon Jon Thompson

Former teacher John Timothy Edgar, accused of indecently assaulting boys, said he believed two of the boys made up their allegations together.

He told the jury in his Hamilton District Court trial yesterday the boys were best friends and in the same class at Hukanui Primary School. They would have talked to another boy who had made similar allegations.

"I'm afraid a group of children like that do get together like that in a school," Edgar said.

He has been accused of touching the genitals of six boys and looking at another boy's penis while a teacher at the school.

Edgar consistently denied the allegations throughout his seven hours on the witness stand.

Defence counsel Roger Laybourn plans to call another 10 witnesses. The trial is expected to end early next week.

During cross-examination by Crown Prosecutor David Wilson, QC, Edgar suggested the jury go to the school where the offences allegedly happened.

Judge Lynton Laing agreed and jurors spent nearly an hour looking through the school.

Edgar was also allowed to return. A condition of his bail had been he stay away from the school. The trial coincides with school holidays.

A defence witness, Hukanui assistant principal Shona Mitchell, was on the interview committee that hired Edgar eight years ago. She said Edgar ran a child-centred classroom that was very stimulating. He also had a good rapport with children.

She said she never saw him behave inappropriately towards children.