Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
April 25 1998

Colleagues speak highly of accused to jury
by Jon

John Timothy Edgar, accused of indecently assaulting boys, has been described as a talented teacher who cared for his students.

As the first week of his Hamilton District Court trial came to an end yesterday, defence witnesses took the stand and described a dedicated professional, well liked by all at Hamilton's Hukanui Primary School.

It was a different picture to the one Crown Prosecutor David Wilson, QC, offered the jury at the start of his trial.

The Crown alleges Edgar indecently assaulted six students and committed an indecent act upon another while he was a teacher at the school.

The boys said he touched and looked at their genitals.

They testified, via closed circuit television, earlier in the week.

Edgar took the stand to deny the allegations and was followed by other witnesses who said they had never seen anything to suggest Edgar had done anything inappropriate towards the children he taught.

Hukanui school teacher Jenny Irwin's testimony was typical of all defence witnesses.

She said students held Edgar in high regard and described him as a man of high integrity and professionalism.

"He was extremely trustworthy and the children appreciated his sense of humour," Mrs Irwin said.

Her son was in Edgar's class in 1993. She said Edgar built up his self-esteem and her son still liked him.

"I can't speak highly enough of John." She said most teachers would pat students on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement.

She also used to give a child a cuddle if they were upset or hurt, though she stopped doing so after Edgar was charged.

She said Edgar was a demonstrative teacher who liked to grab the children's attention.

Other parents also spoke glowingly of Edgar and of the positive effect he had on their children.

The trial, before Judge Lynton Laing, is expected to run into early next week.