Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
April 28 1998

Jury in Edgar case retires

A Hamilton District Court jury today retired to decide if former teacher John Timothy Edgar is guilty of indecencies against boys.

Judge Lynton Laing summed up the case this morning before sending the jury away at 10.30am to consider its verdict.

The main issue for the jury was the credibility of witnesses and the accused, he said.

Judge Laing also said that sometimes returns of verdicts were known to produce an emotional response, but he trusted the public gallery would remain calm while the verdict was delivered.

Edgar is accused of seven counts of indecent assault and one of committing an indecent act while a teacher at Hukanui Primary School.

The jury heard more than five days of testimony from alleged victims, their parents, the accused and his former colleagues.

Crown prosecutor David Wilson, QC, and defence counsel Roger Laybourn summed up their cases yesterday.

The Crown alleges Edgar touched the genitals of six boys and looked at another boy's penis.

Mr Wilson described Edgar as a "Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" who hid his consistent offending from others at the school for years under a cloak of secrecy.

Mr Wilson said: "This comes about because people don't recognise what they see and if they do, don't tell anyone."

Mr Laybourn told the jury the boys' allegations had fundamental flaws.

"How can you trust and rely on a witness that tells such conflicting stories?" Mr Laybourn asked.

"That in itself should make you have serious doubts about his allegations."

A series of defence witnesses, mostly former colleagues of Edgar, described him as a talented teacher. They said Edgar had a reputation for professionalism and honesty and was popular with students.

The public gallery was full today with Edgar's supporters and some parents of the alleged victims.

They then waited outside courtroom three for the jury to return a verdict.