Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

The Evening Post
May 2, 1998

Former teacher views politics

The former Hamilton teacher acquitted of indecency charges this week is considering going into politics.

John Edgar's name and face are known all over the country since the verdict on the eight charges was handed down on Tuesday morning.

"After this publicity it can't get much worse," he said this week.

At this stage it was only an idea and next year's election was too soon.

Dr Edgar, 38, is not sure which party he would stand for. He said all the parties seemed the same, but it would probably be either Labour or National.

He has been interested in politics a long time, getting his doctorate in history from Waikato University with a thesis on former Auckland mayor Sir Dove-Myer Robinson.

He still could teach but is determined not to teach children.