Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

The Evening Post
May 5, 1998

What becomes of those who bear false witness?
Letter to the Editor
by Renton MacLachlan, Porirua

I write in relation to the case of Dr John Edgar, the former school teacher who was recently acquitted of charges of indecent assault.

If the charges were indeed false as the court has found, what is going to happen to those who laid them? Surely to allow false charges to go unpunished is to encourage false charges to be made?

If, for example, those bearing false witness received the penalty that would have come to the falsely accused person if they had been found guilty, that I'm sure would be a severe deterrent to false charges being made. Alternatively, they could be required to cover all costs and losses incurred by the innocent person through the false charges being brought.

As it is, if they get off scot-free, people who would lay such charges either for a laugh or out of malicious motive have been given every encouragement.