Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
May 12, 1998

Loss disturbing
Letter to the Editor
Tukoroirangi Morgan, MP

Many children who attend Hukanui School in Hamilton are Maori. It therefore disturbs me to think that it has lost a good loving teacher like John Edgar.

Many Maori kids lack motivation and self-esteem. So when someone like Dr Edgar hugs a child to say "I care" and "it's all right" we should applaud him for it, not stare sideways. You certainly wouldn't if it was a female teacher doing the hugging. As a former teacher I know that with Maori kids you have to go the extra distance to push them to make the most of their natural talents and abilities.

In kohanga reo and kura kaupapa those hugs are plentiful because that's how our kaiako encourage children and motivate them. If the case of Dr Edgar has taught us anything, it has shown New Zealand society needs to take a deep breath and stop this homophobic and abuse hysteria. There are genuine cases and there are those that are not. But this case has demonstrated that even when you are innocent you still get punished.