Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
June 23, 1998

Former school teacher backs support plan

The former Hamilton primary school teacher cleared of indecency charges against pupils says a support group, formed after his high-profile case went to court, will educate other male teachers about the dangers they face.

John Edgar was acquitted in April by a Hamilton District Court jury after seven boys alleged he had touched their genitals.

Dr Edgar said he would never teach children again.

The support group's founder, Auckland primary school teacher Garth Houltham, was concerned at the falling number of men in primary school teaching and that those remaining risked similar accusations to those made against Dr Edgar.

He wants the group to have a clear idea of appropriate behaviour around children in order to reduce the risk of false allegations of abuse. The group is based in Auckland but may open branches in other areas.

Dr Edgar said the group would educate teachers on how to avoid getting themselves into situations that could leave them open to allegations of abuse.

"But no support group could protect them from the type of allegations I faced," he said.

Dr Edgar said male trainee teachers would benefit from the advice and the knowledge there was support for them from other teachers.

In the past decade the number of men in teaching has steadily declined.

Education Ministry figures from last year show that there were 4787 male teachers employed at primary schools compared with 19,821 females.