Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
December 26, 1998

The Headliners 1998  (Extract from) 
by Susan Pepperell

The Times today names its Top 10 Waikato newsmakers of the year. In our annual feature, Susan Pepperell recaps the tragedies and triumphs of the people who made the headlines.


John Edgar

In April, one of Hamilton's highest profile trials of the year began. The accused was John Timothy Edgar, 38, a former teacher at Hukanui Primary School.

Charged with indecently assaulting seven pupils, his case polarised parents with pupils at the school.

He lost his job, and all his savings, and was terrified he may go to prison despite believing he had done nothing wrong. After a week-long trial and 14 hours of deliberation the jury cleared Dr Edgar on all charges. He was elated but his vindication left parents of the boys who had laid the complaints devastated.

Dr Edgar said he would never teach children again and was contemplating a career in politics.


CAPTION: NOT GUILTY: Despite being acquitted on indecency charges teacher John Edgar said goodbye to his career.