Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations

John Edgar case

Waikato Times
January 11, 1999

Edgar starts his new life with a book

Hamilton's John Edgar will record the life of prominent environmentalist and former Auckland mayor Sir Dove-Meyer Robinson in a new book.

Dr Edgar, a former teacher at Hukanui Primary School who last year was cleared of eight indecency charges against students, has spent much of the past nine months recovering from the trauma of the trial and the resulting publicity. He says it cost him his home and job.

However, Dr Edgar is now moving on and is focused on writing the biography of Sir Dove-Meyer, whom he describes as a visionary environmental and political figure.

Sir Dove-Meyer, who died in the 1980s, was Auckland mayor for 18 years.

Dr Edgar, who shares a love of the environment with Sir Dove-Meyer, also hopes to start studying for a law degree this year and to major in environmental legislation.

His book has received a $6000 grant from the New Zealand History Research Trust Fund, and he hopes to have it completed by the year 2000.

Most of the research was completed when he wrote a doctoral thesis on Sir Dove-Meyer in the 1980s.