Allegations of Sexual Abuse

False Allegations Index



A man wrongfully imprisoned for sexual abuse, who was eventually given an apology and financial compensation

Michael's name has been changed to prevent identifying his sons

This page last updated Jan 26 2005

2000-0904 - Evening Post - Man given compensation for wrongful conviction
NZPA - A man wrongly convicted of sexually abusing his two sons will be paid more than half a million dollars compensation. The man, whose details have been suppressed by court order, was charged with indecent assault on his two sons, both then aged under 12 years. He was convicted in 1995 and spent 14 months in prison before the Court of Appeal quashed the conviction after both sons retracted their allegations

2000-0903 - Sunday Star Times - Landmark payout for years in hell
by Donna Chisholm - A man wrongly convicted of sexually abusing his son has won a landmark $570,000 government compensation package. He is the first to be paid under new guidelines to compensate the wrongly convicted, which demand innocence be proven beyond reasonable doubt

2000-0903 - Sunday Star Times - Compensation ends seven years in hell
by Donna Chisholm - A man wrongly convicted of molesting his son has received a landmark $570,000 payout. Donna Chisholm investigates how the figure was set 

2000-0716 - TV3 - The wronged man (Transcript)
New Jan 26 2005
Imagine being imprisoned for a crime you didn't commit. Worse than that, sent to jail for supposedly abusing your own children. This is the story of a father who lived through that nightmare, locked up for 14 months before he was acquitted, wrongly convicted on sex charges against his own son, the victim of a system which worked on the basis that children never lie. The 39-year old Aucklander found out last week he's to be paid damages for his ordeal - the first New Zealander to be compensated for wrongful imprisonment since Arthur Allan Thomas

2000-0715 - Dominion - Guilty till proved innocent of sexual abuse
A man who served 14 months in jail after being wrongfully convicted of sexually abusing his children, says he survived by convincing himself that "the truth would come out". The man -- and a son -- speak on TV3's 20/20 programme tomorrow about the allegations and their eventual retractions

2000-0709 - Sunday Star Times - Lying with conviction
by Donna Chisholm - The story of how an innocent man was locked up for 14 months on sex charges against his own son is a tale which should make all fathers very afraid. The case is about to become the first considered under new rules to compensate the wrongly convicted

1998-0222 - Sunday Star Times - Freed man seeks $300,000
by Donna Chisholm - A man who spent 14 months in jail wrongly branded the sex abuser of his own son is seeking more than $300,000 compensation for himself and his parents. The man -- freed when his son admitted he had lied after being nagged by a family counsellor -- is the first to seek compensation since Cabinet laid down new rules in the wake of the David Dougherty case

1997-1202 - Dominion - How the nightmare starts
by Annie Gray - A father who was labelled a paedophile and convicted of molesting his son, then spent 14 months in jail for an offence he didn't commit, is living every man's worst nightmare. On his release from jail he found another man had been molesting his sons. .......He is angry at what he has been through, the 14 months lost, the almost three years he could not see his children. He is angry at what his children have had to suffer and angry for the stress and anguish his parents and partner have had to endure over the past three years. Most of all he is angry at the lack of accountability in a system which failed him so disastrously.

1997-1130 - Sunday Star Times - Wrongly jailed dad I want molester to go through hell
by Donna Chisholm - Picture this. You are in a courtroom lobby, standing just metres away from a man who sexually molested your children for three years. Not only that, but you'd been wrongly convicted of the abuse and sentenced to six years in jail when he was the real offender all along. And you'd just found out he'd been regularly assaulting your children while you were behind bars