Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Professional Misconduct - Moira Woods

Index 2004

The Irish Times
March 26, 2004

Much to welcome in council's latest guidelines

The publication of a new edition of A Guide to Ethical Conduct and Behaviour by the Medical Council represents the swan-song of the current members of the statutory body charged with regulating the medical profession.

Their five-year term ends next month; 10 new members have been elected to serve on the next Medical Council. A further 15 members have yet to be nominated by the Minister for Health.

Traditionally, a council published an ethical guide towards the end of its term of office. It is seen as a legacy of its work and a reflection of the events that have occurred during its "watch". In the case of the present Medical Council, which has been in office since 1999, the area of fitness to practise has been especially busy.

While the case of Dr Michael Neary, the Drogheda obstetrician found guilty of professional misconduct, will long be remembered, there have been other notable cases as well. Among those, the hearing into the professional conduct of Dr Moira Woods, of the Sexual Assault Unit of the Rotunda Hospital, was a controversial one.