Moral Panic - Child Sexual Abuse

Professional Misconduct -
Dr Moira Woods

News Reports
Index 2003

This page last updated June 13 2004

2003-0907 - Sunday Tribune - New law to speed up medical complaints
new June 13 2004
by Martin Wall - Traditionally in Ireland, doctors, like members of the other respected professions, regulated themselves. And for years in cases where the medical profession has investigated and disciplined its own, there have been complaints from the public that the process was excessively legalistic, unnecessarily secretive and, above all, far too slow. The families who had children removed from them after what they maintained were false allegations of child abuse had to wait ten years before their complaint against Dr Moira Woods, former head of the paediatric sexual assault unit at the Rotunda Hospital, was brought to a conclusion

2003-0803 - Sunday Tribune - Fallout will precipitate radical shake-up
new June 13 2004
by Martin Wall - Fallout from Neary case will force government to begin a radical shake up of the profession, something it has been promising to do for a decade.  ….The women whose wombs and ovaries were removed by Neary were not the first group to complain at how long the medical council process took. The families who made complaints against the prominent doctor and social campaigner Moira Woods over allegations that they had been falsely accused of child abuse claimed that it took 10 years for their cases to be processed by the council. Woods was found guilty of professional misconduct last year

2003-0326 - The Mirror - Abused kids in 3-month wait to see Docs
new June 13 2004
by Jenny McQuaile - Sexually abused children have to wait up to three months to be assessed, a leading Irish doctor claimed yesterday. ….And since Dr Moira Woods, former Head of the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit at Rotunda Hospital, was found guilty of professional misconduct last year, doctors have become very cautious of making positive diagnoses

2003-0325 - Irish Times - The abused children left at risk by a system in crisis
new June 13 2004
Since Dr Moira Woods was found guilty of professional misconduct in January last year, following a complaint to the Medical Council in relation to her management at the Rotunda Hospital of alleged cases of child sexual abuse in five families in the 1980s, doctors have become very cautious about making definite diagnoses, she says.

2003-0303 - Sunday Independent - Medical Council set to publish Woods report   
by Fergal Bowers - The Irish Medical Council is to publish the report of its inquiry into Dr Moira Woods, the former head of the Rotunda Hospital sexual assault treatment unit, found guilty of professional misconduct. This follows legal action by one of the five families involved and a High Court hearing scheduled for tomorrow

2003-0125 - Richard Webster Net -   
Richard Webster - The Irish Medical Council last year examined numerous complaints that Dr Woods had wrongly diagnosed sexual abuse. In a number of these cases children had been removed from their parents as a result. Although the Medical Council upheld many of these complaints and found Dr Woods guilty of professional misconduct, one of the supposed 'sanctions' it imposed on her was that she should in future engage in child protection work only as part of an expert multi-disciplinary team. In a fierce article written at the time, Irish Times columnist John Waters argued that this should have been happening anyway and that 'It is utterly incomprehensible to the layperson that investigations into allegations as serious as child sex abuse can be carried out by a single individual whose word becomes holy writ.'

2003-0111 - Irish Times - Master of Rotunda defends sex assault unit
by Carol Coulter - The Sexual Assault Treatment Unit in the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, is operating in a highly supervised and well-managed way, according to the Master of the hospital, Dr Michael Geary.  This follows a warning from the Medical Council, in a statement on the Dr Moira Woods case last month, that the problems identified with the SATU during that case could recur today.

2003-0108 - Irish Examiner - Parents cleared of abuse reject Woods comments   
by Michael O’ Farrell - Parents accused of child abuse by Moira Woods yesterday reacted angrily to comments made by the former child sexual abuse expert. Dr Woods was found guilty last January of 13 counts of professional misconduct by the Fitness to Practice Committee of the Medical Council in cases involving false accusations of sexual abuse against the parents of three families.Dr Woods was cleared of any wrongdoing in the cases of two other families. Yesterday, Dr Woods, who now lives in Italy, broke a year's silence on the issue by saying doctors were living in fear of reporting child abuse.

2003-0107 - Irish Times - Doctors fear child abuse cases - Woods
new June 13 2004
by Kitty Holland - A climate of fear has been created among professionals working with sexually abused children, a former director of the Sexual Abuse Treatment Unit in Dublin has said. Dr Moira Woods, who was found guilty of professional misconduct by the Medical Council in January last year, says the inquiry into her has increased "fear among professionals of committing themselves to any statement on child abuse - physical, emotional or sexual".

2003-0107 - Moira Woods - Statement 
The Medical Council has seen fit, one year on, to issue a report further commenting on the case brought against me. This is apparently because the Council felt it should spread blame, in a sense, or at least issue an admonishment that "lessons can be learned from the wide range of governance issues which appear not to have been addressed" by the establishment of the SATU in the Rotunda Hospital.   …………However, I fully reject the committee's report and I stand my judgments in the cases considered in the inquiry.