Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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John Dewar - 2007 - Page 1


Newstalk ZB
July 25 2007; 14:00

Court sees videotaped confrontation

The jury in the trial of a former Rotorua detective John Dewar has been played a videotaped confrontation between Louise Nicholas and the accused.

In the High Court trial in Hamilton, Dewar is facing four charges of perverting the course of justice by suppressing or failing to act on the allegations made by Mrs Nicholas.

At a meeting covertly filmed by an investigative reporter the jury heard Dewar admit he knew non-consensual sexual activity had taken place, especially a specific incident involving a baton. He also admitted to being close friends with Brad Shipton, Clint Rickards and Bob Schollum. In the tape, he repeats over and over again that the past is the past and tells Ms Nicholas she needs to move on.

Defence counsel has also concentrated on inconsistencies in Ms Nicholas' evidence. Paul Mabey QC asked Ms Nicholas to explain numerous statements she had made over the years and to clarify the timing of certain events. He focussed on Mrs Nicholas' allegation that Dewar refused to take her statement against Rickards, Shipton and Schollum until another trial was out of the way.

Mrs Nicholas says she did not raise the issue at the conclusion of that trial because she was sure Dewar would still refuse to take her statement.

Mrs Nicholas claims she was sexually assaulted by one police officer in the early 1980s in Murupara and then again a few years later at Rotorua by Rickards, Shipton and Schollum.