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John Dewar and Louise Nicholas
John Dewar and Louise Nicholas

News Reports:

2007  Page 1 - Includes Trial Week 1

2007  Page 2 - Trial Week 2

2007  Page 3 - Trial Week 3


Louise Nicholas: Attention seeker or victim of John Dewar?

·                Has admitted making up a rape complaint against a group of Maori youths “I don't know why I had said that”   (The Press, March 4 2004)

·                Accused a police officer of indecent assault and sex when she was 15.  After three trials, the officer was acquitted.  (The first two trials were aborted because of inadmissible evidence given by John Dewar)

·                Accused three further police officers of pack rape. The officers were acquitted after evidence that the group sex was consensual.

·                Accuses John Dewar of failing to act on rape allegations when he was a police officer.

John Dewar: Obstructed justice or victim of Louise Nicholas?

·                Did he fail to act on allegations to cover up his own participation in group sex? (An allegation he denies)

·                Were the allegations ever made to him? (A sworn statement signed by Nicholas, does not include the accusations)

·                Did he fail to act on the allegations because he was astute enough to recognise the rape complaints had no basis, or there was insufficient evidence?