Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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John Dewar - 2007 - Page 1


One News
July 25 2007

Secret footage in Dewar trial

Video secretly filming by ONE News has been used as evidence at the High Court trial of former top police officer John Dewar in Hamilton.

Dewar is accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice by covering up sexual assault claims Louise Nicholas made against his police colleagues.

The secret recording was made in 2004 for ONE News, with Nicholas wearing a hidden microphone.

In the video, the key witness, Nicholas, left her Hamilton hotel to head back to court for a second day. A few blocks down the road Dewar was waiting.

Both watched on Wednesday as a tape of their meeting was played to the jury.

Nicholas says in the secret recording she tried to get Dewar to acknowledge she had told him of rape and sexual assault allegations against police officers Clint Rickards, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton.

"At the end of the day, it was not consensual. This what has hacked me off... you knew that and this is just what really bugs me," Nicholas can be heard saying on the tape.

"I certainly knew that the part regarding the baton wasn't consensual. I mean, it would be hard to understand why you would consent to that" Dewar responds.

Nicholas also wanted to know from Dewar why he would not take a statement about the allegations.

"There's no point putting someone through a trial that you know you are not going to succeed in," Dewar replied.

The Crown case is based on allegations Dewar tried to derail justice to protect his police friends.

But his lawyer says Nicholas never told Dewar a thing about the allegations.

He told the court how Dewar had only heard through someone else of a consensual sexual relationship between Nicholas and two of the officers.

Dewar is adamant that he is not guilty.