Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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John Dewar - 2007 - Page 1


NZ Herald
July 27 2007; 11:30

Ex-cop's trial jury sent home for weekend
by David Eames

The jury hearing charges against former Rotorua CIB chief John Dewar has been sent home for the weekend after defence lawyer Paul Mabey, QC, failed to make it to court.

Mr Mabey became unwell yesterday afternoon, forcing the court to abandon proceedings about 4pm. It did not appear his condition had improved by the time court resumed, at 10am today.

Mr Mabey is the second participant in the trial to fall ill in as many days. A female juror had to be excused after getting sick on Wednesday.

The trial is now down to eleven jurors.

Dewar is on trial accused of attempting to defeat the course of justice by trying to stop Louise Nicholas from making a statement about an alleged sexual assault at the hands of then Rotorua police officers Brad Shipton, Clint Rickards and Bob Schollum at Rotorua in the 1980s.

It is also claimed he deliberately gave hearsay and inadmissable evidence at the sex trial of another officer, then tried to cover up his actions by "manipulating" Mrs Nicholas.

He is denying the charges.

Justice Rodney Hansen acknowledged last night that the trial was having "a bad run", and this morning could offer little advice for jurors trying to avoid getting sick themselves.

"All I can say is, have a good weekend and stay out of drafts."

The trial is expected to resume on Monday.