Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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John Dewar - 2007 - Page 2


Radio NZ
July 30 2007

Judge gives evidence in obstruction case

A District Court judge has given evidence in the High Court trial of a former police inspector accused of four charges of attempting to obstruct the course of justice.

John Dewar, 55, is accused of covering up historical sex allegations against police officers, and causing two trials to be aborted.

Judge Lesley Atkins QC, who was a defence lawyer at the time, represented a former Murapara officer who was accused of raping Louise Nicholas when she was 14.

The first and second trials were declared a mistrial after the Crown alleges Mr Dewar gave inadmissible evidence. In the third trial, the former officer, who has name suppression, was acquitted.

Judge Atkins said he applied for a mistrial after Mr Dewar told the court a friend of the accused was prepared to tell lies at the trial.