Allegations of Sexual Abuse

Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case

3. Trial Week 2  June 2005


Newstalk ZB
June 28 2005

Defence opens in historical rape case

The defence has opened its case in the trial of four men accused of gang raping a woman in Mount Maunganui in 1989.

The four men maintain the sex was consensual and deny the woman was held against her will.

The first defence lawyer to open is Paul Mabey, whose client is 53.

Mr Mabey told the jury that his client's position is that he is innocent and has never forced anything on a woman in his life.

He admits he had sex with the woman, but insists that it was not rape.

Paul Mabey says his client can say with confidence that the sex happened on January 5, 1989.

The man has this morning given evidence that he can remember this due to an event he was involved with which happened the next day.