Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Mt Maunganui Pack Rape Case: Shipton, Schollum, Hales


This page last updated July 2 2006

News Reports

1.   July 2004      Pretrial

2.   June 2005     Trial Week 1

3.   June 2005     Trial Week 2

4.   July 2005      Verdict

5.   Aug 2005      Sentencing

6.   Feb 2006       Appeal

7.   Mar 2006       Post Appeal



Precis of Case

Allegations of pack rape were made by a woman against four men. The allegations were made in July 2004, about events that occurred in 1989.

The allegations were made in the context of similar rape allegations having been made against police officers by Louise Nicholas, that gained significant news coverage.

The case went to trial, with the four men saying that that the sex was consensual.  All four men were found guilty. One has since been granted a retrial.
July 5 2005

Based on the lack of concrete evidence that has been presented to warrant a verdict on the basis of "beyond reasonable doubt", this site is extremely concerned that a serious miscarriage of justice has possibly just taken place.

The participants