Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 3 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum - Verdict Not Guilty


NZ Herald
March 1 2007; 13:05

Rickards to remain suspended, say Police
NZ Herald Staff


Clint Rickards is acquitted but still suspended.
Photo / Dean Purcell









Clint Rickards is to remain suspended while Police work through employment issues with him.

Assistant Police Commissioner Rickards, who was head of Auckland Police, was today found not guilty in the High court at Auckland of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a then 16-year-old girl in 1983 or 1984.

He was also found not guilty last year of 20 charges including the rape and sexual violation of Louise Nicholas when she was a teenager in Rotorua in the 1980s.

In a statement today, police said Mr Rickards would remain on suspension until employment matters had been sorted out.

Deputy Police Commissioner Rob Pope said: "The last three years have been a difficult time for everyone concerned - for the complainant, the defendant and his family and the police inquiry team.

"The allegations made were very serious and had to be placed before the Court in order for justice to be done."

Mr Pope said the case had naturally been of concern to all police staff.

"Now that the criminal case has gone through the full process we move into the employment issues phase.

"This will take some time to complete though we will move as quickly as possible. Mr Rickards will remain on suspension during this process.

"I do not wish to prejudice that process by providing further public commentary at this point. A bit more patience will be required before we can put all these issues behind us."