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This page last updated June 1 2007

Not Guilty
March 1 2007

This site applauds the verdict, and questions why the case was brought to trial at all.

Nothing illustrates the weak case for the prosecution as much as the evidence where the complainant never remembered seeing Clint Rickards in plaster, crutches or hobbling. 

The evidence of the complainant led Clint Rickards to the conclusion that she was lying. It's difficult to imagine any other possibility.

March 1 2007; Verdict Reaction from accused, friends and family
Tania EdenAs verdicts read out, supporters broke into applause. The families of the three then gathered outside the court in a circle for a karakia (prayer) led by one of Clint Rickard's family members, who broke down in tears.

Tania Eden (Wife of Clint Rickards)
"Glad the ordeal is finally over"

Clint Rickards
Clint Rickards
"I said three years ago that I was not guilty and that's been vindicated today,"
"We are drained."

"The Operation Austin [into historic police sex crimes] investigation was a shambles. It is an investigation that I would have been ashamed to have led. The Operation Austin team need to be held accountable."

Greg Shipton"Regard Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum as good friends"

Greg Shipton (Brother of Brad Shipton):
"the family do not believe any of the allegations"
"Certainly do not believe in [the allegations that led to his conviction in 2005]"
"Trial has taken an immense toll on family, and angry they had to go through with it"
"Clint Rickards has been persecuted, and case has been politically motivated"

Sharon Shipton

Sharon Shipton (Wife of Brad Shipton)
"The verdicts speak for themselves"

Caron Schollum

Caron Schollum (Wife of Bob Schollum)
"it's over". "Smiling through tears."

John Haigh

John Haigh (Lawyer for Clint Rickards)
justice has been done"
"the jury was courageous"

Di Gihooly (Sister of Bob Schollum):
"will now be able to get on with our lives"

Paul Schollum (Brother of Bob Schollum): "
glad to be able to support his brother"
"Uncomfortable with the way the investigation was carried out"

2007-0301 - 13:25 - NZ Herald - Police sex case verdict: Not guilty

2007-0301 - 14:19 - Radio NZ - Wife of Brad Shipton to stand by husband

2007-0301 - 14:45 - NZ Herald - Police not guilty - but judge drops bombshell

2007-0301 - 15:21 - Newstalk ZB - Investigators slammed after trio cleared

2007-0301 - 17:43 - Newswire - Brother Of Shipton Says Charges Politically Motivated

2007-0301 - 19:00 - Close Up - Not Guilty

2007-0302 - NZ Herald - Tears, gasps as verdicts given

2007-0302 - NZ Herald - Wife stands by her jailed, cheating husband

2007-0302 - Dominion Post - Rickards persecuted 'to stop Maori taking top job'

March 1 2007; Louise Nicholas and Rape Crisis comment

Louise Nicholas
(The men were also acquitted of allegations made by Nicholas).
Was at High Court when verdicts delivered. She left quickly.
"Acquittals show justice system has let women down"
"Gutted for the complainant"

Kim McGregor (Rape Crisis)
"sadly predictable"

2007-0301 - 15:28 - Newswire - Justice System Let Complainant Down: Nicholas

2007-0301 - 15:10 - Radio NZ - Louise Nicholas says justice system let complainants down

2007-0301 - 18:00 - Newstalk ZB - Verdicts "sadly predictable" - Rape Crisis

March 1 2007; Schollum and Shipton revealed as currently serving sentence for rape

Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum
during sentencing in 2005 case

A suppression order has been lifted revealing that Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum are currently serving jail sentences for rape. They were convicted in 2005 of an historical allegation of rape in which the men maintained was consensual sex. The complainant in that case came forward after Louise Nicholas went public with her allegations. Bob Schollum is serving a sentence of 8 years and Brad Shipton is serving 8½ years.

(This site has already expressed concern about the safety of the verdicts in that case)

2007-0301 - 13:00 - Newstalk ZB - Bombshell revelation in police sex case

2007-0301 - 13:10 - NZ Herald - Police sex trial: What the jury never knew

2007-0301 - 14:10 - Stuff - Not guilty verdicts in police sex case

2007-0301 - 14:13 - Newswire - Shipton And Schollum Already In Prison For Rape

2007-0301 - 14:25 - Dominion Post - Jury didn't know about jail terms

2007-0301 - One News - Revelation in police sex case

2007-0301 - 19:32 - Three News - Shipton and Schollum back behind bars, Rickards walks free

2007-0302 - NZ Herald - Not guilty yesterday, but guilty

2007-0302 - Dominion Post - Lid lifted on 'corrupt' cops

2007-0302 - Dominion Post - Jury didn't know about past rape conviction

March 1 2007; Police Reaction
Rob Pope
Deputy Police Commissioner
Rob Pope, Deputy Police Commissioner

"The last three years have been a difficult time for everyone concerned - for the complainant, the defendant and his family and the police inquiry team. "The allegations made were very serious and had to be placed before the Court in order for justice to be done." Mr Pope said the case had naturally been of concern to all police staff. "Now that the criminal case has gone through the full process we move into the employment issues phase. Rickards will remain suspended while the employment issues are worked through.

2007-0301 - 12:47 - NZ Police - Employment issues to be addressed now criminal case concluded

2007-0301 - 13:05 - NZ Herald - Rickards to remain suspended, say Police

March 1 2007; Verdict - NOT GUILTY
Suspended assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum have been found not guilty of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a then 16-year-old girl in the 1980s. The jury deliberated for 11 hours.

The prosecution said Shipton had been in a relationship with the girl and she had gone to a house where the three men had been drinking. She claimed she was carried into a bedroom against her will and had a bottle inserted into her after being handcuffed. Defence lawyers for the accused said there were too many holes and inconsistencies in the woman's story for it to be true

2007-0301 - 12:04 - Newstalk ZB - Jury returns in police sex case

2007-0301 - 12:30 - Stuff - Not guilty verdicts in police sex case

2007-0301 - 12:34 - Newstalk ZB - Cops cleared of kidnap and indecent assault

2007-0301 - 12:35 - Newswire - Verdicts Returned In Kidnap And Assault Trial

2007-0301 - 12:38 - Radio NZ - Not guilty verdict delivered at High Court in Auckland

2007-0301 - 14:10 - Stuff - Not guilty verdicts in police sex case

2007-0301 - One News - Not guilty for all in police trial

2007-0302 - Dominion Post - Sobs and gasps greet not guilty verdicts

Clint Rickards and family after verdict - Vindicated