Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 3 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum - Verdict Not Guilty


March 1 2007; 17:43

Brother Of Shipton Says Charges Politically Motivated

The brother of a former policeman found not guilty of historical sexual offending says the charges were politically motivated.

A jury has found former policeman Brad Shipton, and his co accused, Assistant Commissioner Clint Rickards and Bob Schollum not guilty of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a 16-year-old in Rotorua more than two decades ago.

Brad Shipton's brother Greg Shipton says the trial has taken an immense toll on his family, and they're angry they had to go through it.

He says Clint Rickards has been persecuted, and the case has been politically motivated.

Greg Shipton says he believes there wasn't enough evidence to bring the case to trial.

Meanwhile, the brother of former policeman Bob Schollum says the not guilty verdict is a huge relief.

However Paul Schollum says he was uncomfortable with the way the investigation into the latest case was carried out.