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Page 3 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum - Verdict Not Guilty


March 1 2007; 15:28

Justice System Let Complainant Down: Nicholas

Former rape complainant Louise Nicholas says the not guilty verdicts in the latest police sexual assault case show the justice system has again let women down.

Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards and former policemen Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum have been found not guilty of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a 16-year-old in Rotorua more than 20 years ago.

The trio was acquitted last year of raping Ms Nicholas in the mid 1980s.

Following this afternoon's not guilty verdicts, it was revealed both Shipton and Schollum are currently in prison for historical sex offences. They are two of the four men sent to prison in 2005 for the abduction and rape of a woman in Mt Maunganui in 1989.

Louise Nicholas was at the High Court in Auckland when the verdicts were read out, and says she is gutted for the complainant.

She says the case is over and she will just have to get on with her life.

Meanwhile, Brad Shipton’s wife says she will continue to stand by her husband.

Sharon Shipton became the centrepiece in her husband's defence case, but was painted as a liar by the Crown.

She says she is delighted with the verdicts in the latest case and will continue sticking by her husband.