Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 3 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum - Verdict Not Guilty


March 1 2007; 14:13

Shipton And Schollum Already In Prison For Rape

It can now be revealed that two of the three men found not guilty in the latest police sexual assault case are currently in prison for the rape of a woman in Mt Maunganui in 1989.

Suppression orders have been lifted over Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum’s previous convictions for historical sex offences.

They are two of the four men sent to prison in 2005 for the abduction and rape of a woman in Mt Maunganui in 1989.

Shipton and Schollum, along with assistant police commissioner Clint Rickards, were today found not guilty of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a woman in Rotorua when she was 16-years-old.

As the verdicts were read out at the High Court in Auckland, a large crowd of the men's supporters broke into applause and tears in the public gallery.

The complainant in the case appeared distraught and had to be helped from the courtroom.

While Clint Rickards is a free man, it can now be revealed that Brad Shipton and Bob Schollum are convicted rapists, who are still serving jail terms.

Outside court, Clint Rickards said he is proud to be a member of the police, but he is ashamed of the way the investigation was carried out.

He says he is looking forward to returning to work in Auckland as soon as possible, although he is to remain on suspension for the time being.

Deputy Police Commissioner Rob Pope says now the criminal case has been concluded the police can deal with Mr Rickards' employment issues and will do so as quickly as possible.

He says the allegations made were very serious and had to be placed before the court in order for justice to be done.