Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Page 3 - 2007 Trial of Rickards, Shipton, Schollum - Verdict Not Guilty


Radio NZ
March 1 2007; 14:19

Wife of Brad Shipton to stand by husband

The wife of a former police officer cleared of historical sexual offending says she will continue to stand by her husband.

A jury has acquitted Brad Shipton and his co accused Bob Schollum and suspended Assistant Police Commissioner Clint Rickards of kidnapping and indecently assaulting a 16 year old in Rotorua more than two decades ago.

And it can now be revealed that Shipton and Schollum are convicted rapists, who are serving jail time for raping another woman in Mt Maunganui in the 1980s.

Sharon Shipton became the centrepiece in her husband's defence case, but was painted as a liar by the Crown.

She says she is delighted with the verdicts in the latest case and will continue sticking by her husband.