Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2000 Index 


New Zealand National Party
August 24, 2000
Dr Cullen's ACC "own-goal"
Press Release
by Gerry Brownlee National ACC Spokesperson

Dr Cullen's scored the ultimate own goal with his loud claims of vindication for his ACC reforms, National's ACC spokesperson Gerry Brownlee said today following the release of the ACC Annual Report.

"Dr Cullen can't claim a shred of credit for ACC's 'better injury prevention and rehabilitation programmes backed by a strong financial performance'.

"The Annual Report vindicates the competitive system.

"It covers the period before competition was ripped from ACC by Dr Cullen. ACC has only performed because it has been under pressure from the private sector.

"A recent survey of businesses reveals 95% of businesses want a return to competitive provision.

"He claims ACC is in good heart - think about it Michael - it has got nothing to do with re-nationalisation.

"It has got everything to do with ACC operating for the 12 months covered by the Annual Report under a competitive system where it had to be more efficient and do its job better.

"ACC's next challenge will be keeping premiums down in the wake of the Government's second ACC Bill due in September where it's indicated it will contain enhanced entitlements and lump sum payments.

"The real test of Dr Cullen's reforms will be the next Annual Report and whether it shows ACC premiums continuing to fall."