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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


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This page last updated Feb 1 2005

2000-1214 - National Party - Government Must Take Heed Of ACC Submissions
National ACC spokesperson Gerry Brownlee slammed the Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Bill during its first reading in the House today. He labelled the 305-page bill completely inadequate, inflexible and one that fails to give New Zealanders a choice

2000-1208 - Dominion - ACC sex abuse payments to be vetted
page 8 by David
McLoughlin - THE Government hopes to prevent another blowout in ACC sex-abuse payments by more careful medical scrutiny of claims when lump-sum payments are restored under a bill before Parliament

2000-1203 - National Party - Quote of the week
Gerry Brownlee - "Just four months ago Dr Cullen ruled out lump sums for mental injury

2000-1201 - NZ Herald - $100000 cap on lump sum ACC payouts
by Vernon Small -
Under the Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Bill, due to come into law next October, lump-sum compensation would be limited to $100,000 over a lifetime.  Permanent impairment, which could include mental injury caused by physical injury or sexual abuse, would be assessed as a percentage of "the whole person."

2000-1130 - Govt - Brownlee Wrong On Lump Sums
by Dr Michael Cullen - National ACC spokesperson Gerry Brownlee has got his facts wrong about the new lump sum compensation scheme introduced as part of the Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation Bill today said Accident Insurance Minister Dr Michael Cullen

2000-1130 - National Party - Cullen Opens Floodgates For Mental Injury ACC Payouts
by Gerry Brownlee - "The ACC Minister's claims employers won't pay more for his new lump sum scheme are laughable," National ACC spokesperson Gerry Brownlee said today. "Dr Cullen has opened the floodgates for lump sum payouts under the category "mental injury".

2000-1130 - Govt - A Short History Of ACC
1967- Woodhouse Report recommends comprehensive 24 hour cover, no fault scheme for compensation of personal injury ….

2000-1130 - Govt - Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation Bill Questions And Answers
Why is this Bill needed?
What are the main differences to the current AI Act 1998?
What happens to me if I was injured before this Bill becomes law?
Will the Work Capacity Testing be changed?
Who will be eligible for lump sum compensation?
How will people be assessed for lump sum compensation?
How much will lump sums cost?
Can I get a lump sum payment and weekly compensation?

2000-1130 - Govt - Injury Prevention And Rehabilitation Bill
Overview : This Bill continues the government‘s commitment to a fair and sustainable scheme for reducing personal injury

2000-1130 - Govt - Injury And Rehabilitation Bill Helps Youth, Women, Seasonal Workers
by Laila Harré - "The new Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Bill will deliver on Alliance policy and will be a major achievement for the Labour Alliance Coalition Government," said Youth and Women's Affairs Minister Laila Harré today

2000-1130 - Govt - Prevention, Rehabilitation And Compensation – In That Order
New accident compensation legislation, introduced to the House today, promotes prevention rather than cure. Accident Insurance Minister Dr Michael Cullen says the Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation Bill takes a much broader view on accident compensation than any previous legislation

2000-0902 - One News - ACC gets 20 child abuse claims per week
The Accident Compensation Corporation says its sensitive claims unit is dealing with about 20 claims each week, relating to children who may have been abused.

2000-0824 - National Party - Dr Cullen's ACC own-goal
by Gerry Brownlee - Dr Cullen's scored the ultimate own goal with his loud claims of vindication for his ACC reforms, National's ACC spokesperson Gerry Brownlee said today following the release of the ACC Annual Report

2000-0607 - NZ Herald - Cullen backs off ACC promises
by Richard Braddell and Dita de Boni
The Government is backing away from promising lump sum and pain and suffering payments in a second accident compensation bill, scheduled to come into force next April.