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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2001 Index 


New Zealand National Party
January 22, 2001

Nats policy of more ACC providers successful
Press Release
by Gerry Brownlee National ACC Spokesperson

Nats policy of more ACC providers successful

ACC treatment providers and the public should welcome ACC's scrutiny of 'good practice' when it comes to billing the Corporation, National ACC spokesperson Gerry Brownlee said today.

"It would be hugely disappointing if the reckless behaviour of a few saw the return of tougher rules limiting the types and numbers of health professionals ACC officially recognises.

"In 1998 under National, the range of treatment providers was expanded. On the issue of billing it was made very clear that treatment providers would behave in an honest, faithful and professional way. Almost all have taken heed.

"The widening of providers has without a doubt been successful, with those suspected of defrauding ACC minimal.

"For the public's sake this policy must remain and this means ACC must monitor professionals suspected of working outside 'good practice.' Within reason if injured New Zealanders are to continue receiving treatment promptly, ACC needs as many top health professionals on board as possible.

"If we are to ensure this National Party policy continues to work effectively, ACC must keep an eye on the minority," Mr Brownlee said