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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


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This page last updated Feb 1 2005

2001-1031 - A City Possessed - Extract On ACC
pages 88-94, by Lynley Hood

2001-1008 - Daily News - Big response to Sexual Abuse Flyer
page 3 by Mark Birch – Many Taranaki people have responded to a Christchurch law firm's offer to help victims of sexual abuse gain compensation. Taranaki is one of several areas chosen by Wakefield and Associates for the distribution of flyers publicising the rights of victims to gain lump sums and wide-ranging, ongoing compensation from the Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Corporation (ACC)

2001-0321 - Otago Daily Times - $100m in sexual abuse claims
More than 47,000 people claiming to have been sexually abused have received $100 million in cash and counselling from ACC since 1992.   Most - about 80% - were adults claiming for sexual abuse that happened when they were children

2001-0315 - The Press - ACC pays $94m on abuse claims
by Diana McCurdy - Auckland University senior lecturer Felicity Goodyear-Smith said she was concerned that ACC's approach was not scientifically proven. "As far as I know, there's no scientific evidence at all that says sexual abuse counselling has any useful outcome." She said those who were suffering ongoing problems as a result of sexual abuse needed to have their current problems addressed, rather than those that had occurred in the past.

2001-0314 - Herald - Elderly sex abuse victims speak out
by Bridget Carter -  ”….
ACC yesterday released guidelines for counsellors dealing with adult survivors of child sexual abuse.  ACC spokeswoman Kathryn Griffiths says that since ACC developed a special sex-abuse unit in 1992, it has accepted over 47,000 claims. About 80 per cent of those are from adults sexually abused during childhood.

2001-0314 - Waikato Times - ACC pays $100 million to sexual abuse claimants  
by NZPA - Sexual assault researcher Felicity Goodyear-Smith said past fears that many claims were false, arising from suspect repressive memory therapy sessions, had subsided since the early 1990s when a phenomenon of false claims was at its peak.  Dr Goodyear-Smith believed many of the lump-sum payments made by ACC in the early 1990s would have been inappropriate. About 98 per cent of claims made then were granted on the basis of what someone remembered had happened to them. The claims were seldom tested.

2001-0314 - Dominion - Sex abuse: 47,000 get compo of $100m  
by Leah Haines - More than 47,000 people claiming to have been sexually abused have received $100 million in cash and counselling from ACC since 1992. Most -- about 80 per cent -- were adults claiming for sexual abuse that happened when they were children, according to statistics issued by the Accident Rehabilitation Compensation and Insurance Corporation yesterday.

2001-0313 - ACC - Helping Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
by ACC - ACC is today releasing therapy guidelines for counsellors dealing with adult survivors of child sexual abuse at a launch in Auckland.   Written by Auckland Psychologist Kim McGregor, “Therapy Guidelines: Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse” give New Zealand counsellors the latest and leading information on abuse and trauma therapy from around the world.

2001-0122 - National Party - Nats policy of more ACC providers successful
by Gerry Brownlee - "It would be hugely disappointing if the reckless behaviour of a few saw the return of tougher rules limiting the types and numbers of health professionals ACC officially recognises