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ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2001 Index 


Accident Compensation Corporation
March 13, 2001

ACC - Helping Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

ACC is today releasing therapy guidelines for counsellors dealing with adult survivors of child sexual abuse at a launch in Auckland.

Written by Auckland Psychologist Kim McGregor, “Therapy Guidelines: Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse” give New Zealand counsellors the latest and leading information on abuse and trauma therapy from around the world.

Therapists involved in the guidelines are welcoming the publication as thorough and valuable and of great help.

“Sexual abuse is a hidden injury that affects thousands of New Zealanders. ACC has an obligation to not only help survivors of sexual abuse, but to provide them with the best care possible”, Dr David Rankin of ACC Healthwise said.

ACC has accepted sexual abuse claims since the scheme’s inception in 1974. In 1992 ACC developed a special unit to deal specifically with sexual abuse claims. Data from 1 July 1992 up until the end of January this year shows ACC has accepted 47,000 claims for sexual abuse. Around 80% are adult’s now registering claims with ACC for sexual abuse during their childhood. Currently over 8,000 claimants are receiving treatment for the effects of sexual abuse.

ACC is able to accept claims for mental injury arising from sexual abuse, which occurred at any time in a person’s life.

The specialist type of help ACC offers is counselling, along with the regular entitlements that may be applicable.

“Last year ACC spent over $1.5 million on counselling and we want that counselling to be as effective as possible”, Dr Rankin said.

“Therapy has often been fragmented and incomplete due to the complexities of the personal injury. These guidelines will help therapists provide quality care for their patients”.

ACC will be providing free copies of the guidelines to all ACC contracted mental health providers; other providers will be able to buy the guidelines for $25.

For more information contact:
Kathryn Griffiths
ACC Media Communications Advisor
Phone: (04) 918 4291 or 025 281 6982