Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2001 Index 


The Press
March 15, 2001

ACC pays $94m on abuse claims
by Diana McCurdy

ACC has accepted 47,000 claims for sexual abuse since 1992, most of them from adults who say they were sexually abused as children.

Latest statistics show that the cost of new and ongoing claims for sexual abuse has topped $94 million in the last seven years.

Eighty per cent of claimants were claiming for treatment for the effects of childhood abuse.

According to the statistics, more than 8000 claimants are receiving treatment for the effects of sexual abuse.

General manager David Rankin said sexual abuse was a "hidden injury" that affected thousands of New Zealanders.

ACC had an obligation to provide survivors with the best care possible, Dr Rankin said. "Therapy has often been fragmented and incomplete due to the complexities of the personal injury."

ACC has released new therapy guidelines for counsellors dealing with adult survivors of sexual abuse.

The guidelines, which were written by Auckland psychologist Kim McGregor, provide counsellors with information on abuse and trauma therapy.

"Last year ACC spent over $1.5m on counselling, and we want that counselling to be as effective as possible," Dr Rankin said.

Auckland University senior lecturer Felicity Goodyear-Smith said she was concerned that ACC's approach was not scientifically proven.

"As far as I know, there's no scientific evidence at all that says sexual abuse counselling has any useful outcome."

She said those who were suffering ongoing problems as a result of sexual abuse needed to have their current problems addressed, rather than those that had occurred in the past.

Dr Goodyear-Smith said some people who had been sexually abused as children needed help as adults. However, this was not always the case.

"Clearly if you have suffered childhood sexual abuse, you're more likely to suffer problems in adulthood," she said.

"However, if we can't show that sexual abuse counselling is effective, I don't think we should be prescribing counselling for people."

She said was "absolutely convinced" that some people had made deliberate false claims about sexual abuse in the past, but she did not believe it happened so much now.

ACC claims for treatment for sexual abuse do not require a criminal conviction.