Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


From: "jfwilson" <[email protected]>

Newsgroups: nz.general

Subject: In this morning's mail

Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 19:49:31 +1300



Wakefield Associates, Barristers and Solicitors.


"Victims of sexual abuse have a legal right to ACC financial compensation"


"You may be entitled to a lump sum of up to $25,000 and ongoing payments valued in excess of $150,000"


"Sexual abuse may take the form of rape, incest, violation or assault.  Whatever the form of abuse suffered, the consequences and effects of the abuse can be ongoing.  Symptoms can include for example loss of self-esteem, depression, anxiety, irritability and concentration difficulties.  Many people that have suffered from abuse are not aware of their entitlement to relief and compensation.    We can assist by assessing options for entitlement and assisting with claim lodgement with ACC.  


Although a financial award can never alter the fact that the abuse has occurred, a lump sum payment or ongoing payments may assist in the recovery process. 


It is important to be aware that an abused person need fear no repercussions from the abuser in making a claim. 


The abuse does not have to have been reported to the Police.


The abuser does not have to be named.


If you believe that you may be entitled to compensation fill out the attached freepost form and return it to us.  We will then advise you of the appropriate steps to take.  Your information will be completely confidential to the claims process.


Our fee for advising and representing you is  25%  (plus GST) of any resulting lump sum plus all of any first quarterly payment made by ACC.  If your claim is unsuccessful, there is no charge. If you would like us to pursue a claim on your behalf fill in the freepost form  (attached)  and return it to us as soon as possible."