Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


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This page last updated Feb 1 2005

2002-1026 - Dominion Post - Law firm escapes charges
by Marianne Betts - A Christchurch law firm under fire for sending out leaflets offering to help claimants of sexual abuse gain lump-sum payouts has escaped charges. The Canterbury District Law Society found that an inquiry into Wakefield Associates' controversial campaign was "justified in part but not of sufficient gravity to warrant the laying of a charge".

2002-0408 - Herald - Dalziel mulls over ACC and medical misadventure
NZPA - The Government is exploring extending Accident Compensation Corporation's coverage of medical misadventure injuries, but final policy decisions won't be taken until after the next election

2002-0406 - Western Leader - Doctors fear fraudulent claims
by Stephen Forbes - The return of ACC lump sum payments for sexual abuse victims could lead to a deluge of fraudulent claims, says the spokesman for a west Auckland doctors' group.

2002-0404 - Timaru Herald - Whats in a name
Editorial - The new ACC laws are designed to focus the scheme back on to injury prevention first, rehabilitation, and then compensation

2002-0403 - Waikato Times - Author voices criticism of ACC lump-sum payouts
NZPA - Dunedin author Lynley Hood has joined critics of new laws allowing lump sum payments to victims of physical injury and sexual abuse, which came into effect this month……..  While it was appropriate people who had been the victim of physical or sexual injury were helped to recover, large cash payments were not necessarily the solution. "I think the Government needs to look really hard at what constitutes safe and effective therapy."

2002-0402 - Evening Post - Author slams lump-sum payments
NZPA - Dunedin author Lynley Hood has joined critics of a law that took effect yesterday allowing lump-sum payments to victims of physical injury and sexual abuse. ………Hood said there was no mechanism for determining whether the sexual abuse actually took place and ACC policy guidelines encouraged "vulnerable people into believing they had been sexually abused and that was the cause of their problems".

2002-0402 - Otago Daily Times - ACC lump-sums target for fraud
by Joanna Norris - Yesterday, new laws came into effect which reinstate lump sum compensation payments of up to $100,000 for victims of accidents and sexual abuse. The laws have prompted a chorus of controversy.  Dunedin author Lynley Hood has joined critics of new laws allowing lump sum payments to victims of physical injury and sexual abuse, which came into effect yesterday

2002-0401 - Herald - Tough rules for ACC lump-sum payout
by Audrey Young, political reporter - Accident victims with permanent injury and sexual abuse victims with permanent mental impairment will qualify for lump-sum payments under ACC laws taking effect today

2002-0331 - COSA NZ Newsletter March 2002 - Lump sum payments
Lump sum payments - catalyst for falsehoods and trauma, or rehabilitation and fairness?  In this issue we address the issues surrounding the new legislation, the Injury Prevention Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2002
Part 1  Chronicle of recent changes and discussion re ACC: a confusing story
Remaining parts to be included, or link to original newsletter.

2002-0331 - NZ Council Trade Unions - New ACC Act A Victory For Community Campaigning
by Ross Wilson - “The commencement of the new ACC Act marks a victory for the unions and community organisations which have been campaigning for 10 years as COAC, the Coalition on Accident Compensation,” Council of Trade Unions president Ross Wilson said today

2002-0330 - Herald - Dialogue: Sexual abuse payouts naive, foolish
by Gordon McLauchlan - The decision to allow the ACC to pay lump sums in compensation to people whose lives have been blighted by what is loosely called sexual abuse is a folly that signposts trouble ahead for the organisation

2002-0328 - Government - ACC scheme returns to founding principles
The government is again underpinning ACC with the founding principles of the original scheme as envisaged by Sir Owen Woodhouse, ACC Minister Lianne Dalziel said today

2002-0327 - NZ Government - Code to ensure the rights of ACC claimants
A new draft code setting out ACC's obligations in dealing with claimants was released by ACC Minister Lianne Dalziel today.  “Consultation on the draft Code begins tomorrow after it has been gazetted and it runs until 15 May 2002”

2002-0324 - Sunday Star Times - Abuse Humbug
by Gordon Waugh;  Fred Seymour is plainly wrong when he says it was "plainly silly" of author Lynley Hood to suggest ACC counselling could produce recovered abuse memories

2002-0323 - Australian - Insurance crisis our fault: judge
by Bernard Lane;  The national insurance crisis has been caused partly by judges "playing Santa Claus" with compensation payouts, says one of the nation's senior jurists. 
"The judiciary has a lot to answer for this," Justice James Thomas, said yesterday. "Some have enjoyed playing Santa Claus, forgetting that someone has to pay for our generosity”

[ Note: The above article is not directly related to the NZ issue of ACC compensation, except that politicians and counsellors in NZ could also arguably be accused of playing the same “Santa Claus” game ]

2002-0323 - The Press - ACC feels pinch as abuse claims surge
by Yvonne Martin;  At least 3000 new sex-abuse claims have been laid since a Christchurch law firm began touting for business from abuse victims, forcing ACC to take on eight new staff.

2002-0323 - Herald - ACC claims soar after sex-abuse leaflet
At least 3000 new sexual-abuse claims have been laid since a Christchurch law firm began touting for business from victims, forcing ACC to take on eight new staff

2002-0317 - Radio NZ "Insight" - ACC lump sum payments for sex abuse, Transcript
Sue Ingram examines the reintroduction of ACC lump sum payments for sexual abuse claimants.

2002-0317 - Sunday Star Times - ACC: Sex abuse cause of ills
by Donna Chisholm;  The ACC is advising therapists that childhood sexual abuse may be behind a raft of psychological ailments their patients have - but the patients probably won't realise it. And, it suggests objectivity by therapists is counterproductive when dealing with sex abuse "survivors". Author Lynley Hood, who wrote a damning indictment of the sex abuse industry in a book on the Peter Ellis case, says the guidelines are a recipe for encouraging false recovered memories.

2002-0303 - Sunday Star Times - A Pandora’s Box  
by Ted Low - Three cheers for Rosemary McLeod's column on the cash handout gravy train for women who claim to have been "abused" in the past. Only a woman could have got away with laying out the scandalous truth about this Pandora's box the ACC has opened. Most male commentators would not go anywhere near such a story for fear of incurring the wrath of Margaret Wilson and her ilk.

2002-0303 - Sunday Star Times - Abuse Worries   
Letter, Name Withheld - However, our main training institutions in psychology are still headed by believers in recovered memories who continue to make "victims" of gullible women and bring heartache to both accused and accusers. ACC has caused grievous harm by pouring very large sums of money at the "victims" and the counsellors, without question. ACC has a lot to answer for and seems to have learned nothing.

2002-0227 - NZ Doctor - Sexual abuse case drop no surprise
New Jan 11 2005
by Ross Ogle - Dr Patrick Kelly, esteemed paediatrician and head of the Child Abuse Team at Starship Hospital, has been reported in the national media as "puzzled by the dramatic drop-off in reported sexual abuse of children". The answer is pretty obvious to the rest of us, at the risk of popping Patrick's bubble, may I suggest that he in his spare time read A City Possessed by Lynley Hood, about the Christchurch Civic Creche case and Peter Ellis. He then may appreciate that it is no coincidence that the rate of reported sexual abuse dropped when ACC stopped paying people $10,000 for each case that fertile imaginations could dream up.

2002-0221 - FARE - Predictions of abuse allegation epidemic correct
Our predictions of a sexual abuse allegation epidemic were correct", Families Apart Require Equality (FARE) spokes person Darryl Ward said today

2002-0221 - Dominion - Sex abuse claims at 500 a week
Sexual abuse claims to ACC have increased fivefold since it was revealed early last month that victims could receive lump-sum payments of up to $100,000.  ACC bosses told a parliamentary select committee yesterday that the number of claims for sexual abuse had risen to 500 a week from 100 a week since January 7.

2002-0214 - Vancouver Sun - Not all abuse claims deserve money
by Tana Dineen,  (reference to Canada)
Decades ago, misguided government policies resulted in thousands of children being placed in residential schools. In the 1990s, we questioned this well-intentioned philosophy. We came to look back on these institutions as dens of physical, psychological and sexual abuse

2002-0208 - FARE - Drop in sex abuse allegations no surprise
The drop in reported sexual abuse allegations is no surprise, but they are sure to rise again, driven mostly by changes in Government policy", Families Apart Require Equality (FARE) spokes person Darryl Ward said today.

2002-0204 - Herald - Tough rules for bigger ACC payouts
by Simon Collins:  Lump-sum payouts are back - but the 'suffering' clause has gone

2002-0128 - Evening Standard - The cost of rape
A Manawatu rape victim tells Ewan Sargent that those who condemn the return of lump-sum payments wouldn't be so harsh if they had lived her life.

2002-0126 - The Press - ACC to file complaint against law firm
by Kelly Andrew
ACC will file an official complaint next week against a Christchurch law firm over its controversial sex-abuse leaflet drop.

2002-0125 - ACC Press Release - ACC files complaint on sensitive claims mailout
ACC is filing a complaint with the New Zealand Law Society because of the content of Wakefield Associates leaflet offering help to sexual abuse victims

2002-0120 - Usenet - ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse, compilation of data
by Gordon Waugh   Compilation of ACC Data, 1988 to 2002  (Including Source data)

2002-0117 - The Press - Anthrax scare for law firm
by Andrew Moffat,  A nationwide mailout by a Christchurch law firm seeking business from sexual abuse victims has prompted at least one unwelcome reply”.

2002-0116 - The Star - Firm's offer worries false abuse group
by Guy Grant   “A Christchurch law firm's offer to help alleged sex abuse victims get compensation may prompt a flow of false abuse claims, warns a locally based group which supports victims of untrue allegations”

2002-0116 - The Star - Lump Sum Payments
Letter, by D Hamilton.  “So lump sum payments will be made for successful claims of sexual abuse, starting April Fools Day, 2002” …

2002-0116 - Southland Times - Law  firm's fee mode over abuse questioned
By Karen Arnold  A Southland woman who suffered sexual abuse could be entitled to compensation, despite ACC not advising her about it”.

2002-0116 - Otago Daily Times - Following the money
Editorial;  New legislation allowing lump sum payments to sexual abuse victims could be vulnerable to fraudulent claims

2002-0114 - Daily News - ACC legislation getting more than accidental going over
Editorial;  The accident Compensation Commission was set up to care for accident victims and prevent New Zealand going down the same expensive path as the United States.

2002-0113 - Usenet - ACC Statistics - New claims for sex abuse
Statistics 1988 to 2001, compiled by Gordon Waugh
including the amazing increase in ACC claims from 1988 to 1993

2002-0113 - Sunday Star Times - Money for old sex abuse
page C4 by Frank Haden

2002-0113 - Sunday Star Times - Past forgotten in ACC shift
Editorial, ACC compensation with reference to Creche case

2002-0112 - The Herald - ACC Fraud Unit gets $1 million back
The Accident Compensation Corporation recovered more than $1 million from fraudulent claimants last year.

2002-0112 - Manawatu Evening Standard - Great care needed on sex abuse
There's a strong suggestion that criminal law and accident compensation law have lost touch with each other, potentially to the detriment of the community

2002-0112 - Evening Post - Complaint to be made over leaflet
by Sean Scanlon
A Wellington psychologist is making an official complaint against the Christchurch law firm which mailed leaflets offering to help sexual abuse victims get lump-sum payments from ACC

2002-0112 - Southland Times - Woman wins her fight for $100,000
by Carmen Wilson
A Southland woman has won a two-year battle to retain more than $100,000 in ACC compensation she was paid after her partner was killed in a car crash.
2002-0111 - Dominion - Lump Sum Gravy Train
The Government has unleashed the ACC sexual abuse lump-sum gravy train again with all the bad features of last time, including handing over the loot with no requirement for the slightest proof that abuse happened, let alone a complaint to the police or a court conviction

2002-0110 - Otago Daily Times - Calls from abuse victims flood ACC
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) has been flooded by calls from past sex abuse victims wrongly believing they can get lump sum compensation pay-outs.

2002-0110 - INL - False claims; Prove it in court
Feedback by E Harrison and Alastair Laing

2002-0110 - The Press - Sexual Abuse Payouts
Letters to the Editor, by H Ralf Unger
I am appalled at the predicable but sad development in legal business regarding post traumatic stress in sexual abuse victims.

2002-0110 - The Herald - Sex abuse claims
Letters to the Editor, by Tim Long

2002-0110 - Dominion - ACC Wastes Money
Top Story, by David McLoughlin
ACC “wastes money” on sex victim campaign

2002-0110 - The Press - Sex Abuse Rort
……. But the real focus should be on the return of lump sum payments, which threaten to once more become a grievance gravy train.

2002-0110 - The Press - Sex abuse victim hits out
by Andrew Moffat,
Sexual abuse victim Aimee Uren says a Christchurch law firm's controversial mailout is feeding off others' misery and hurting those it is supposed to help.

2002-0109 - Los Angeles Times - High Court limits who is disabled
by David Savage.  High Court decision defining disability in the USA

2002-0109 - Nelson Mail - Ignore lawyer's letter - Rape Crisis  
Nelson Rape Crisis is advising sexual abuse victims that they don't need to hire a lawyer to seek compensation, following a Christchurch law firm's attempts to solicit such work. .....Nelson Rape Crisis member Christine Gillespie said hiring lawyers was an unnecessary way for sexual abuse victims to get ACC payments. "It's certainly not the way we would advocate for women to progress their complaint."

2002-0109 - Marlborough Express - Abuse of Compensation
In Blenheim letter boxes yesterday appeared a flyer alerting people to a Christchurch legal firm's preparedness to act in seeking ACC financial compensation for victims of sexual abuse

2002-0109 - Usenet - ACCs handling of claims
Letter from Gordon Waugh, Whenuapai
ACC's handling of claims for sexual abuse is the greatest con job this nation has ever seen, and the general tenor of my criticism of ACC and its method is below.

2002-0109 - National Party - ACC lump sums open to abuse
Press Release by ACC spokesperson Gerry Brownlee
An ACC law change allowing lump sum payments for unproved sex abuse claims will prove disastrous

2002-0109 - Dominion - Cash For Unproved Sex Abuse
Top Story, by David McLoughlin.
People who claim to have been sexually abused will be able to get big cash sums from ACC again without having to complain to police under a law change that takes effect on April 1.

2002-0109 - The Press - Law firm in bid for sex abuse cases
by Andrew Moffat
A Christchurch law firm has sent out one million leaflets touting for business from sexual abuse victims entitled to new ACC payments.

2002-0109 - Herald - Backlash over bid for share of ACC Pay
Page 5 by Rosaleen MacBrayne
A small Christchurch law firm's nationwide attempt to get business from sexual abuse victims has sparked a backlash.

2002-0109 - Discussion On Usenet

2002-0108 - Herald - ACC questions law firms tactics
The Accident Compensation Corporation says it has been swamped with calls about a Christchurch law firm's attempt to secure sexual abuse claims

2002-0108 - TV3 - Law Firms Unwanted Publicity
Television 3 News
A creative marketing campaign is giving a small Christchurch law firm more publicity than it may have bargained for.

2002-0107 - Wakefield Flyer 
Wakefield Associates, Solicitors, Christchurch

2002-0107 - Wakefield AdvertisingFlyer 
Wakefield Associates, Solicitors, Christchurch