Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


Wakefield Associates
Solicitors PO Box 8958

Victims of sexual abuse have a legal right to ACC financial compensation. The compensation may include lump sum payments and ongoing entitlements. Inside, you will find how we help victims get their full entitlements.

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Please print details clearly

First Name(s):
(hereinafter referred to as "You" or "Your")


Date of Birth:   
ACC Claim No(s) (if known):
Are you receiving payment from ACC?   Yes                  No       

I agree to the terms and conditions set out below.  

You wish to appoint Wakefield Associates ("We" or "Us") to represent You in respect of a claim against the Accident Compensation Corporation ("the Corporation") for Your entitlement. We agree to provide You with services on the terms and conditions set out below in this agreement.


1  We will investigate the potential for Your claim and entitlements from the Corporation in regard to Your entitlement to certain payments arising as a result of the abuse and/or personal injury(s) by accident for which You have an accepted claim or are entitled to cover for Your abuse and/or personal injury(s) under the Accident Compensation Acts of 1972 or 1982, the Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Act 1992, Accident Insurance Act 1998 or any subsequent legislation.

2 Appointment:

2.1   You hereby appoint Us to act as Your solicitors and You now direct the Corporation to release all information held by it in respect of any claim that You may have made to or with the Corporation.

2.2   You hereby acknowledge and agree that You cannot vary or revoke this authority without Our written agreement or consent which will be provided upon You meeting Your obligations under clause 6 herein.

2.3   If We consider it warranted, We may lodge an application for entitlement on Your behalf and You hereby authorise Us to do so.

2.4   You now authorise and direct the Corporation to pay directly to Us as your duly ap ointed solicitor and agent any backdated arrears and the first quarter y or initial award of compensation due to You.

2.5   You authorise Us to act as Your agent in respect of Your entitlements and authorise Us to sign Your name to any and all documents necessary to progress and/or resolve the claim for entitlement involved herein.

2.6   You now revoke any prior authority given by You with regard to any of the services to be provided under this agreement.


3  In the event that We establish the Corporation is liable to make payment in regard to any entitlement You may have, then in consideration of services rendered and to be rendered by Us, You will pay to Us:


3.1   25% ((Twenty-five percent) plus GST) of all recovery; and

3.2   All of the first quarterly award made by ACC (inclusive of GST);

3.3   You agree to and do now authorise Us to deduct from the payments made by the Corporation to Us on your behalf the sums referred to in this clause

4  In the event that We are not successful in establishing the Corporation is liable to make payment in regard to any entitlement that You may have, then no fee for our services or out of pocket expenses is payable by You under this agreement.

Termination of agreement

5  We have the right at any tirne to withdraw from this agreement in the event that:

5.1   We reasonably conclude, from the information obtained in pursuance of these services, that You do not have a reasonably good possibility of recovering an award or settlement with regard to Your entitlement from the Corporation; or


5.2   For some other reason We consider (at our sole discretion) that there are irreconcilable differences between Us such that the relationship of good faith between solicitor and client cannot continue.

If We are to so withdraw from providing services to You under this agreement pursuant to this clause 5 We shall advise You of this in writing and from the date that We send the letter We shall be under no further obligation to provide services to You and You shall be under no obligation to make further payment to Us.

6  If You discharge Us or cease to Use our services pursuant to this agreement for any reason (other than our negligent performance such that Your claim to entitlements is significantly affected by our negligence), then We will be entitled to and owed by You the fair and reasonable value of our services rendered up to the date on which We are advised of such time of discharge or cessation of service, and this sum shall be due and owing immediately and shall be paid by you accordingly. We shall record this sum due and owing on an invoice to You and it shall include any and all out of pocket expenses and disbursements incurred by Us, and a reasonable fee for our services rendered to date. The right to discharge us is subject to clause 2.2.

Your Responsibilities

7  You agree to cooperate fully in the investigation and prosecution of Your claim for entitlement and to carefully consider the advice and counsel We provide. Failure of such cooperation will be a breach of this agreement and may result in termination of this agreement by Us following which termination You will be liable for our costs and disbursements reasonably incurred to the date of termination.

Our Responsibilities

8  We shall keep You fully informed of all progress in Your claim, and shall copy to You all documentation:

8.1   lodged with the Corporation on Your behalf, and

8.2   all decisions, reports and recommendations or orders of the Corporation in relation to Your entitlement.

Variation to this Agreement

9  You agree that this agreement can only be varied with the consent of both parties to this agreement and any such variation must be recorded in writing and executed by both parties.

WAKEFIELD ASSOCIATES Barristers & Solicitors