Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


The Herald
January 8, 2002

ACC questions law firm's tactics

The Accident Compensation Corporation says it has been swamped with calls about a Christchurch law firm's attempt to secure sexual abuse claims.

Wakefield Associates has circulated leaflets to homes around the country asking people to authorise it to seek compensation on their behalf - in return for 25 per cent of any lump sum awarded.

But ACC's claims manager Gail Kettle said it was unnecessary for sexual abuse victims to hire a lawyer as they could action a claim with any ACC approved counsellor.

The letter from Wakefield Associates said sexual abuse victims could receive as much as $25,000 for a lump sum payment and ongoing payments in excess of $150,000.

Ms Kettle described these sums as "extreme".

Wakefield Associates have been unavailable for comment.