Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


TV3 News
January 8 2002

Law firm's unwanted publicity

A creative marketing campaign is giving a small Christchurch law firm more publicity than it may have bargained for.

Wakefield Associates is coming in for criticism for sending out fliers in which it offered its services to victims of sexual abuse.

ACC staff have taken more than 2000 calls in two days about the leaflets... which offer people free legal help to make sexual abuse claims.

But not all callers have been enquiring about a payout.

ACC's Gail Kettle says: "A number of people have been distressed about the material that they've received and a number of people have just wanted to ask questions."

Christchurch law firm Wakefield Associates has circulated the reply-paid fliers to homes around the country, saying sex abuse victims are entitled to a maximum lump sum payout of $25,000.

While clients don't pay anything upfront... the law firm would would take 25 per cent of the cheque.

Wakefield wouldn't comment on camera but in a written statement... said ACC doesn't pro-actively inform sexual abuse victims of their wide-ranging statutory compensation rights.

ACC says that's just not true.

ACC's Gail Kettle says: "We send them a leaflet, a booklet and an application form so they can apply for their entitlement, so our claimants are advised of what they're entitled to."

The Canterbury Law Society says, although it's legal for lawyers to tout for business... people can complain if they find advertising content offensive.

Canterbury District Law Society's Bob Perry says: "For this sort of thing it probably could be a charge for conduct unbecoming or something of that nature."

Author Lynley Hood, a critic of the ten-thousand dollar payouts in the Christchurch Civic Creche sexual abuse case, says the Wakefield offer could generate a rash of unfounded claims.

ACC is advising sexual abuse victims to contact their local office rather than their lawyer.