Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


The Press
January 10 2002.

Sexual abuse payouts
Letter to the Editor
by H Ralf Unger, Fendalton, Jan 9

Sir – I am appalled at the predicable but sad development in legal business regarding post traumatic stress in sexual abuse victims.

As a psychologist also counseling in this area, accredited by the ACC, I welcomed the end of the lump-sum payment and regret its resurfacing.  This was a philosophy of kissing the hurt better with a cheque, which is a misguided approach.

I am aware of the careful, delicate, and empathic investigation and treatment in dealing with patients who have finally revealed their experiences. To expect a legal firm to follow up with a personal questionnaire on the same topic and take a hefty percentage of “profit” on the results seems to belie what the emotional damage is all about.

It is essential that subsidising of counselling continues. Building up an American model of legal “ambulance chasers” is a retrograde step which will bring into existence a group of abused whose main motive may be finance rather than mental health.