Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


Newsgroups: nz.general,nz.politics
Subject: ACC Claims for Sexual Abuse, 1988 to 2001
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:30

Posted on behalf of Gordon Waugh

ACC New Claims Sexual Abuse, 
1988 to 2001  (Year 1 July to 30 June)

1988            221
1989            445
1990            667
1991            1,075
1992            2,173
1993            13,000
1994            10,800
1995            11,750
1996            9,982  -   The lump-sum money stopped about here !!!
1997            8,362
1998            7,236
1999            7,971
2000            4,400
2001            4,289

Total    82,971

Over the 1993 - 1999 period, the average was 69,101 / 7 = 9,872 per annum.

In the same period, about 750 would be convicted annually for sexual crimes.   On that basis, ACC claims are 13 times higher.   They have usurped the function of the Courts, and these figures tend to indicate ACC has a much more accurate way of deciding whether sexual abuse occurred !!!

Note :  ACC Website gives figures for New & Accepted Claims, but does not appear to give data on numbers of claims declined.   This would appear to account for their lower website figures from 1994/5 to 2000/1.

It is also interesting to note that around 10,000 claimants are having "treatment" by counsellors at any one time.    Some continue on for longer than ten years.

Gordon Waugh