Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


The Star
January 16, 2002

Lump Sum Payments
Letter to the Editor
by D Hamilton

So lump sum payments will be made for successful claims of sexual abuse, starting April Fools Day, 2002

If such a claim is accepted how can the event possibly have happened by accident?

Therefore why is it to be compensated by ACC from the taxpayer's income?

In any such cases there has to be an offender or offenders. If financial recompense is due surely it should fall to the offenders, not the whole working population.

Admittedly this could be difficult if the offender is a deceased relative and difficult for the deceased to defend the accusation too. So complainants should bring their charges promptly.

Will the law makers ever come to sanity and principles based on justice?