Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


The Press
January 17, 2002

Anthrax scare for law firm
By Andrew Moffat

A nationwide mailout by a Christchurch law firm seeking business from sexual abuse victims has prompted at least one unwelcome reply.

Police and the fire service were called to Wakefield Associates' Picton Avenue offices yesterday morning after an envelope containing white powder was found in the mail.

Principal Garry Wakefield declined to be interviewed but issued a written statement that confirmed a small amount of powder was found in an envelope. "Although there was no threat accompanying the powder we immediately contacted the police. The firm then followed the procedure the police have in place for this type of event. The police arranged for the removal of the envelope."

Mr Wakefield said the scare did not cause any significant disruption to the firm.

Police confirmed investigations into the incident were continuing.

The law firm, which specialises in ACC claims, drew criticism from ACC and sexual abuse sufferers after it mailed out one million leaflets last week, urging victims of sexual abuse to use its services.