Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


The Press
January 26, 2002

ACC to file complaint against law firm

by Kelly Andrew

 ACC will file an official complaint next week against a Christchurch law firm over its controversial sex-abuse leaflet drop.

Wakefield Associates, a one-principal law firm based in Riccarton which specialises in ACC claims, sent one million flyers to households urging victims of sexual abuse to use its services.

The leaflets pointed to possible one-off payments of up to $25,000 and ongoing sums of more than $150,000 available from ACC.

The corporation will complain to the New Zealand Law Society over the content of the pamphlet, which it says is "appalling".

Acting chief executive Garry Wilson said publicity about the issue had been confusing and disturbing to sexual abuse victims.

"Sexual abuse in New Zealand is a national disgrace. People who have been abused are vulnerable and need our sympathetic and compassionate help," he said.

"To suggest these people are only after money and that ACC is their personal gravy train is appalling."

Mr Wilson said not all sex abuse victims would be entitled to a lump sum, and they would be offered counselling and other rehabilitation first.