Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

ACC Compensation for Sex Abuse - Index


2002 Index 


Families Apart Require Equality
February 21,  2002

Predictions Of Abuse Allegation Epidemic Correct
Press Release

"Our predictions of a sexual abuse allegation epidemic were correct", Families Apart Require Equality (FARE) spokes person Darryl Ward said today. He was referring to media reports today confirming his prediction of 8 February 2002 that 'there will be new epidemic of false allegations now that ACC has announced it will reintroduce lump sum payouts for alleged abuse when there is no proof required of any abuse having occurred' (see text of press release from that date below).

"Without trivialising the trauma of genuine victims, it is extremely suspicious that five times as many people now suddenly 'remember' being sexually abused now that ACC have reintroduced lump sum payouts for alleged abuse when there is no proof required of any abuse having occurred. Based on overseas experience where lump sum payments have been awarded for unproven allegations of sexual abuse, a sixty times increase in the number of allegations could ultimately happen in New Zealand."

"The myriad of bureaucrats, lawyers, councillors and psychologists who make much of their livings from the sexual abuse industry must think all their Christmases have come at once", concluded Ward.